Wednesday, May 30, 2012

#randomfreakingoutgirlpost : oh my God, i am going to be nineteen in less than a week. My last year of being a teenager and with no boyfriend for, well, almost nineteen years. Isnt this a time for me to freak out?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jazz Pop, Pop-Jazz, Indonesian music

Hey ya! Super enjoying my holiday now, life's good, life's good. Haha. So few days ago i was feeling kinda bored with KPop songs and tried to browse Indonesian Jazz Pop (or Pop-Jazz) genre songs, as recommended by my friend. And I now agree that that is Indonesian style of music, not those girlbands and boybands who are trying to copy KPop. I mean, if Indonesia wants to make their music 'style' well known internationally, they should try to promote these jazz pop songs, to me it was more genuine and well, i think it fits Indonesian culture better somehow, the relaxing and unique melody. I'll share some of my favorites here. Enjoy! :)

Adera - Lebih Indah

Sierra Soetedjo - The Only One

Raisa - Melangkah

Citra Scholastika - Pasti Bisa

Maliq & D'Essentials - Untitled

Raisa - Stay (I'm not sure whether this is still considered as Jazz Pop, but it was a really sweet song, i just feel that i have to share it, lol)

Great songs aren't they?


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gemini facts

Honestly i always had a soft spot for astrology, whenever i bought a magazine, the first thing that i'm going to check is the astrology section. Although i never believe it if they wrote something bad about my horoscope, but i will have this positive feel if they wrote about something good. lol
So i also follows this twitter account who posts about Gemini's (yes, i am a Gemini) facts and i think it will be quite fun to share some that i agrees with here.

Gemini's fact
1. Many times when  say "I'm fine", they really mean "I'll be fine"
2.  may say they're over you, but every time their phone vibrates, their heart still wishes it's a text from you
3. Restless, with an active imagination and a keen intellect, life must be lived to the fullest for 
4.  usually have several things going at once, and within such chaos, they thrive
5Air signs: , Libra, and Aquarius operate from their intellect rather than their emotions
6. If you can't make me laugh, it's not likely I'm staying!
7. If it doesn't make any sense,  won't do it
8.  would prefer someone with a good intellect over someone who is nice-looking any day
9. If you can make  laugh and keep them entertained, you have won big points
10.  do have a tough mind making decisions and it isn't unlike them to change their mind a half dozen times about something
11.  are outgoing and yet they have a side that they don't let people get close to
12.  loves nothing more than shopping and easy chit chat
13.  actually have so many sides that even they aren't sure who they are
14. Once  do find someone to commit to, they are fools for love. Nothing is too good for their mate
15. For , attraction begins in their head. They must have a connection 1st mentally before they'll want to proceed with a love interest.
16.  like it if their partner is out doing their own thing too
17.  tend to overthink situations to such a great extent that they cause oneself pain
18. The one thing they can't do without is bookshelves. Books hold a special place in their heart
19. Since  is not sure whether they're coming or going, things tend to look a bit chaotic
20.  usually make a loyal, and sympathetic friend. They offer a fresh outlook and great advice to their true friends
21.  have a difficult time expressing their true emotions
22. While  knows many people, they have few close friends. They tend to stay on the superficial plane with almost everyone
23. Maybe  hope too much. Maybe  dream too much. But at least they won't give up until they've tried, & they won't regret anything
24. Sometimes  pretend that they don't care. But really, they care more than anyone else ever will
25. It's funny how  feels so much but they don't say a word. They're screaming inside but they can't be heard
26. You will find  on their phone or the computer. They like to know what is going on in the news and could even be a news junkie
27. If the person is smart,  will find them hot. Not a serious smart, though. They can’t handle some1 who doesn’t know how to lighten up
28. When a  loves someone it's likely for a lifetime, even if they grow apart, that love will still stand
29.  is able to smile this morning like they weren't crying last night
30.  r very fond of traveling, & love 2 make it all at once - the mountains, the sea, & the woods, can hardly choose only 1 destination

okay, i think that's enough for today. 

(facts are taken from @GeminiSignz, credits belongs to them respectfully)

"Wherever I am, I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else." ~Angelina Jolie 
better use my savings to buy a polaroid or just keep on saving my money to buy a DSLR? ._.
i want both so bad actually... :(