Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quick post

It's 12 o'clock already, which means i should already go to sleep, but then i decided to post something, since i've been abandoning my blog for so long. :(
Synergy called me today and told me that we can start to apply to Lasalle already. So all i need to do is ask mommy for the last confirmation, pay the administration fee, and collect all the files that is needed. Oh yes, and prepare my portfolio.
i only got about 3 months left, and i haven't start even a scratch, please just kill me X(
i already have the idea, and all i need to do is make it into a real piece of artwork. so i hope i can finish it in time, or else.
Anyway, angel told me that her mom has agreed to let her enroll in Lasalle too! Superb!

as for my second option, i'll choose Nafa, but i decided to apply online. as it saves me a lot of money than applying it from medan.

Well, wish me luck guys!

-You make your own happiness-

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sorry dear bloggieeeee

my blog looks as dead as a deserted island in planet XXZ
oh God,,,

so sorry '~'
i'll try to post sth in this few days...
c y guys next time.. ;)

stay tune