Sunday, January 16, 2011

a little update

Hi dear bloggie.. It's been such a long time since my last post, sorry for the long pause. I'll made it up as soon as I have the time.
Anyway, the photos from the photoshoot that I wrote on my last post had already been given to me! It's quite great, there are some that I like, and some that I don't, I feel quite disappointed actually, but I also feel grateful at the same time, I'll try to be better for sure.
Another anyway, at the end of this month, something VERY important for my future will take place, which is the interview for Lasalle! (Wish me bunch of luck please!) I really" want to be accepted there... :( I hope that everything will go on smoothly.
Oh yeah, The Trashion Show 2011 will also take place in the end of Jan, I hope the schedule won't collide with the lasalle's interview.
So, here I am, preparing all I can for both the interview and the show, and hoping that all of them will go on smoothly.

Juno ♡

Monday, January 3, 2011

i hope i don't disappoint them

Had my first outdoor photoshoot today!
It was fun though there are some accidents like the flat tire, the camera that fell and hit the ground, I hope the camera is alright!
Anyway, my thoughts still got the very best of me today, I keep thinking that my personality sucks, and it really got the best of me, I feel as stiff as a wooden block when I talk to them. Am I that boring?
God, I hope I got some killer shots! Please100x X(
Anyway, just want to say thanks to the designer,photographers, and the crew today for giving me the chance to be the model of the photoshoot, I hope I don't disappoint any of you. :)
Looking forward to be working with you guys again if I had the chance :D

Night :) wait! Last but not least! Happy new year bloggie! Hope this year will be better!


Juno ♡