i am a bit disappointed though, because the reason i bought this book is because i think the synopsis is kinda like my 'love' story but eventually the writer seems like sort of distracted and it turned out to be more of another story instead, the story of a girl who became someone's-how do you say it in english?-selingkuhan.
well, in the end she reunited with her first love-thank God-because if not, i will say that i really regret buying this novel. The only thing that i dislike is that the writer wrote too little about how the main lead, got together with her first love somehow.
But, at least reading is still better than doing nothing, and since i had finished reading this book, now i have no idea what to do again. Crap.
anyway, i wanna tell a lil funny story about how i bought this book. so actually, i know that this book is not yet published, but i ask the bookstore's staff about this book, well, i don't hope to buy it anyway, since i'm pretty sure it was not available for sale yet, and the computer in the bookstore stated that this book will be for sale on 10th may. but suddenly, the bookstore's staff came back, and and gave me this book! i don't know where on earth did he got this, probably the storeroom though, i mean, the book doesn't even had any price tag on it!
so it's pretty awesome i guess, maybe i am the first buyer in medan? :p
"Tak tahukah kau seperih apa perasaan hati yang tak berbalas? Menanti sesuatu yang tak kunjung datang? Hari berganti hari, tetapi arahku tak pernah berubah-selalu tertuju kepadamu. Aku tak pernah jenuh menunggu.. menunggu untuk kau cintai. Namun, kau hanya menganggapku lalu. Seperti tak kasat mata aku bagimu. Terkadang lelah menyuruhku menyerah, memintaku berhenti melakukan perbuatan sia - sia dan mulai mencari cinta baru. Namun, bagaimana mungkin aku sanggup melakukannya, kalau semua tentangmu mengikuti seperti bayangan menempel di bawah kakiku? Dan bagaimana pula caranya membakar habis semua rindu yang bertahun - tahun mengendap di hatiku? Aku berharap mendapatkan jawaban darimu. Namun, kau tetap membisu, membuatku lebih lama menunggu." Perhaps you ; a novel by Stephanie Zen
those are the synopsis. Now you know why i fell in love "at the first read" with this novel right? :)
wow, thanks banget ya buat reviewnya. oya, lebih banyak lagi thanks untuk kritik dan sarannya. aku pun setelah baca merasa kayaknya bagian di mana abby balik lagi sama daniel agak "kurang", ceritanya lebih banyak tentang hubungan abby sama chris :) semoga di buku-buku berikutnya aku bisa lebih baik lagi ya ;)