College life is getting tougher with assignments and assignments. I am currently in my Project week, which means i have no classes ( you think it's fun? nah ) Project week was designed for us to catch up all the works that we haven't done, and me, someone who is both love to procrastinate and perfectionist, decided to re-do some of my work adn since i haven't done some of my work, which means hell yeah, i got a lot of works to do. (damn)
But then, i am a teenager, so i still went out with friends for some movies and dinner and shopping (okay, i am killing myself)
Anyway, i am crazeh with Secret Garden!! especially the lead male actor, a.k.a Hyun Bin!!!! I'll share about it some other day when i have the time :D . Actually i haven't finish watching it though, because i am scared to watch the ending. I'll miss the drama way too much then!!! so i am currently still in the 18th episode. (yes, i am insane)

oh Hyun bin oppaaaaaa.......... look how cute he is!!
and anw, i am really looking forward for going back to medan in project week, but mommy says no since the airline ticket cost a lot, and it's just a few days left. soo... :(
but, let's not drown in sadness for too long, it's normal to feel homesick isn't it?
it's 2 months left before my semester break anyway, hahaha
But i still really want to move out this place that i am curently renting. :( tell you the story some other time, but yeah, i hate it a lot here.
see ya in my next post! ;)